Sunday 6 May 2018

Better then I’d hoped

She has soft, full Lips, and understands how to use her tongue. Her breasts are magnificent with large sensitive nipples. her hand on my cock made it come alive for the first time in 3 years. Yes fell_ Florance:He was actually low on money which I didn’t know about, we are always half and half with [...]

I recently found out that the person who I trusted all my secrets with and who I thought was my best friend has been doing things to purposely hurt me or make me look bad for a while and she's been lying about it to my face all this time.
(1 May 2018)

How do I get my mom to stop filming me?
(1 May 2018)

Husband is treating me horribly?
(1 May 2018)

How do I talk to someone who over night seems to just hate me.
(1 May 2018)

Living in my own home has become difficult and nerve wracking how can I fix this?
(1 May 2018)

Hes leaving at all hours of the night to his brothers house and staying there its like hes avoiding me just so he can hate me more.
(1 May 2018)

Why do I get called a kid?
(1 May 2018)

At work the manager calls me a kid?
(1 May 2018)

Do you think its wrong for a 25 year old to date a 18 year old?
(1 May 2018)

Do you think this Is acceptable, why and why not?
(1 May 2018)

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