Friday 13 April 2018

Lets Try This One More Time DIET TIP FUCK This Site SUCKS

lol_ Romaine:Both me and my boyfriend are 19, and we have been together for over 4 years.(7 April 2018) Era:Why do people said becareful what yo wish for?(7 April 2018) Vita:What was going through her mind?(7 April 2018) Vita:Also she kept coming back to areas not that far from me as well(She did that multiple times).(7 April 2018) Vita:So I [...]

Or I could go to his house and cuddle with hjm during a movie Just seemed off to me.
(9 April 2018)

During that time he started asking me what we could do on the next date.
(9 April 2018)

On our first date he took me on a ride on his bullet bike and then we talked for about 20 min.
(9 April 2018)

Is he into me? Did he lose interest? Did he just want to make out with me?
(9 April 2018)

I asked if we should see each other again and he said yes and then kissed me.
(9 April 2018)

We made out for a but before we said good bye.
(9 April 2018)

We hooked up at a party, went on a date where I kissed him during a movie and he kissed back.
(9 April 2018)

Why is he flirting with me when he has a girlfriend?
(9 April 2018)

I don't want to break relationship or have problems with anybody.
(9 April 2018)

Although he's somewhat cute I don't want anything with him him at all.
(9 April 2018)

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