Sunday 29 April 2018

Help Wanted

I am now accepting applications for the position of “Old Lady”. The requirements for said position are as follows:1. No vacuuming or mopping of floors. I do that. 2. No cooking or cleaning o_ Claris:We talk in our English class too and last week, he invited me out to lunch with him and his friends (I [...]

Should I be this concerned about my late period? I'm terribly worried and can't calm down!! Please help me?? Very worried!!?
(23 April 2018)

I'm literally crying as I write this,I'm so worried something is wrong...Is it normal to miss a month for no reason?
(23 April 2018)

I've had my period since I was 12 and this has NEVER happened.
(23 April 2018)

I haven't done anything different,my weight is the same (115lbs..I'm 5'6),not stressed,I haven't been working out..So what gives?
(23 April 2018)

A few weeks ago my brother died in a car wreck leaving me an only child.
(23 April 2018)

Parents: At what age do you think your child should be self supporting?
(23 April 2018)

Also, do you think it's okay for people to live with their parents their whole life?
(23 April 2018)

I'm referring to when you would expect your adult child to be off the family payroll and out on their own.
(23 April 2018)

Why do a lot of guys hate it and get jealous when their female bestfriend has a boyfriend?
(23 April 2018)

They also seemed like they were very jealous of their bestfriend's boyfriend.
(23 April 2018)

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