Saturday 2 December 2017

spring freeze gets a thaw

The weather changed very quickly over night from quite warm to below zero so the play space was a bit cold as folks turned up for our monthly movie matinee. We had 7 couples, 2 ladies(yes unicorns do_ April:This time he told me that he knows I said it’d be fine, but he doesn’t want to [...]

Every time she sees something new on me, whether it's a lipstick or a sweater, regardless of the price, she starts complaining about how all I do is shop for myself, and how someone else would also like a present.
(29 November 2017)

I'm an independent adult, who lives alone, has a sufficient salary (covers the rent and if I'm lucky I can save a bit) and a retired controlling mother.
(29 November 2017)

How do I take my attention off of getting a relationship?
(29 November 2017)

I kind of want to make more of my life, because I devote all my time to wanting a relationship. what can I do to take my mind off of it?
(29 November 2017)

I'm obsessed with the idea of getting a boyfriend, I have been since I was really little.
(29 November 2017)

Tips on dating as an adult with braces and looking super young in general?
(29 November 2017)

It doesn't help that everyone already thinks I'm aged 12-14 so that might complicate things when going out.
(29 November 2017)

I still have up to a year left on them plus I will need an implant and that would take another year of having just a huge gap in my teeth.
(29 November 2017)

I'm 19 years old and I want to get into the world of dating but I feel as though my braces would be holding me back.
(29 November 2017)

I have liked my crush for like 8 or 9 years and when we first met we talked to each other and now for years we act like we don't exist?
(29 November 2017)

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