Thursday 14 December 2017

Being yourself

_ Audrey:I’m not angry you didn’t let me go with him, you did the right thing.(11 December 2017) Audrey:Just don’t worry about it anymore, please.(11 December 2017) Audrey:In all honesty, if he wasn’t my ex (crush) would you kick Adrian out of your bed?(11 December 2017) Audrey:I bet you spank mister D to one new person that’s not me [...]

I also have had a watery discharge that last few days that doesn't seem to go away.
(11 December 2017)

I'm also fairly bloated and have been cramping, and have had more gas than usual.
(11 December 2017)

However, I've noticed that my breasts have been hurting the last few days and feel slightly swollen.
(11 December 2017)

Currently, my period is 5 days late which is honestly, fairly normal for me.
(11 December 2017)

Obviously, I wiped it off immediately, but since that had never happened before and I was ovulating at the time I'm kind of freaking out.
(11 December 2017)

Basically I haven't had sex, but my boyfriend and I food around on occasion ( a lot more recently) and probably about 2 weeks ago there is a possibility that he accidentally got some semen on the outside of my vagina.
(11 December 2017)

What is wrong with me?! Wish I was him.?
(11 December 2017)

What should I do and do you have any advice on how to be happy being a female?
(11 December 2017)

I m so jealous and it s taking over my life.
(11 December 2017)

People are way nicer to him and automatically respect him more because he is a man.
(11 December 2017)

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