Monday 20 November 2017

what I want

a clit I can lick to make you cum so my ’stash is dripping wet,and a warm,wet mouth to suck me off and lick my balls_ Felipa:Boyfriend calls me retarted?(18 November 2017) Felipa:And basically he says that because hes mad I dont go over.(18 November 2017) Felipa:So he tells me things like, well stay home like you always [...]

Like I have felt him stare at me for literal whole minutes straight, and when I look at him, he notices, but doesn't smile or anything.
(18 November 2017)

There is a guy who intently stares at me, no matter what.
(18 November 2017)

My mom sexually harasses me?
(17 November 2017)

Why do hella chicks glare at me cuz i got out with chubby girls?
(18 November 2017)

Which birthday fit with the name Nathaniel Robert Wallace?
(17 November 2017)

Why the hell do so many black women act like men yet expect to be treated like women??
(18 November 2017)

They can t shut up, they interrupt you when you re talking and don t want to really have conversations, just want to get their own point across.
(18 November 2017)

A lot of these females have more male like qualities then women like.
(18 November 2017)

What does Yuuu mean?
(17 November 2017)

Girl I really like hasn't texted back?
(18 November 2017)

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