Thursday 23 November 2017

MAMMARY MONDAYS 4/11/2016 because we love something soft and squishy…

1[image] 2[image2]3[image3]4[image4]5[image5]6[image6] 7[image7]8[image8]9[image9]10[image10] boobs from the past:MAMMARY MONDAYS 4/4/2016 because we love something soft and squishy… MAMMARY MONDAY_ Sarah:I am a guy that gets really jealous and even depressed when a girl I like is talking and hanging out with other guys.(21 November 2017) Jeanmarie:I really like this guy and want know how to flirt with him [...]

Why does she even bring it up in the first place if she wont invite me.
(20 November 2017)

She said I was going to ask you to come but nope.
(20 November 2017)

The girl ive been dating for a while now wont bring me out with her and her friends (guys and girls). Shes 24 and im 23. After class shes getting drinks with her classmates.
(20 November 2017)

Is there such a thing as being able to adopt a family as an adult?
(20 November 2017)

I don't want to replace my current family, but its barely a family at all, and I'd like to invite others into my life as family to have that support system I want so much.
(20 November 2017)

I hear of families adopting adults, but is it possible for me to seek out a family?
(20 November 2017)

I have always wanted to have a stable family.
(20 November 2017)

I have an adopted dad who has always been there for me, but I have an incredibly small family due to distance and mental illness being prevalent in the family.
(20 November 2017)

My biological dad abandoned me as a baby and my biological mom was my domestic violence abuser for 10 years.
(20 November 2017)

I'm 21 and grew up with a very loose knit and problematic family.
(20 November 2017)

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