Wednesday 19 July 2017

Pleasure vs Commitment

Why do we struggle, why not embrace what we all really want, pleasure. You know what I’m talking about. That feeling between our legs that triggers the pleasure centers in our brain. That keeps us com_ Golda:I care for him a lot, and I try to make him feel okay with me,but he is being very [...]

I'm hoping very low because I am not ready for a baby and neither is my boyfriend.
(7 July 2017)

I haven't been experiencing many pregnancy symptoms except that I'm extremely hungry all the time and have to pee frequently, both of which can also be associated with signs of PMS.
(7 July 2017)

We used the pullout method which is typically the method we used and it has so far been successful but for some reason this time around I have been much more paranoid that I may be pregnant.
(7 July 2017)

My period is supposed to come within the next week.
(7 July 2017)

Two weeks ago I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend.
(7 July 2017)

Plan b while maybe ovulating?
(7 July 2017)

Should I be worried or take a test before my period or just relax?
(7 July 2017)

I have had no symptoms of pregnancy.
(7 July 2017)

I have been taking my pills like always and my period is due this Sunday, but I am freaking out.
(7 July 2017)

My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex a week after starting a new pack of birth control, and I get very paranoid and called mg doctor and she said to take plan B since I could of been ovulating.
(7 July 2017)

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