Wednesday 26 July 2017

A night at the Opera

It feels different tonight, i can sense your tension. i can feel the pressure you are It all seems to be building. Even though we have enjoyed a glorious evening with dinner, drinks_ Juanita:Right now the situation is very painful.(25 July 2017) Juanita:If I say anything to her, she’ll make it seem like I’m the problem, [...]

My husband likes to talk down on me in front of friends and relatives. it is sometimes hurtful. how do make him stop?
(26 July 2017)

What makes a girl seem easy?
(26 July 2017)

I want subtle cues that could make a girl seem easy.
(26 July 2017)

What makes a guy think a girl is easy the minute she walks into a room, whether it be a classroom or work?
(26 July 2017)

I'm not talking about the obvious stuff like giving up sex too soon or being sloppy drunk in a club.
(26 July 2017)

I just want to know what makes a girl seem easy to a guy.
(26 July 2017)

I was really happy but I still never asked him if it was true so I just kept befriending him.
(26 July 2017)

Whenever I have problems he's always there for me & always reminds me that he'll do anything to protect me bc it's his job to do so as a Marine.
(26 July 2017)

After he graduated he left to boot & when he came back our friendship had gotten so much stronger.
(26 July 2017)

There's been times when I liked him throughout my h.s yrs but I couldn't bc my friend liked him too so I backed off.
(26 July 2017)

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