Friday 30 June 2017

Well, I knew that would happen

So let me make another post about the same guy in “I want him to be my boyfriend” blog. When I started talking to him, I knew he wasn’t that into me, as I mentioned he contacted me inf_ Gabriel:Instead of wearing normal things like her friends, she wears high heels, leather and jeans.(18 June 2017) Gabriel:She [...]

I have been pro-choice for years now.
(19 June 2017)

Do you think the sudden rise in birth of males over females means some type of war is coming. people?
(19 June 2017)

Why do Demo-douchebags still refuse to believe Hillary obstructed justice?
(19 June 2017)

LOL, Comey said he had no evidence of intent.
(19 June 2017)

Do people who are the same age have similar personalities?
(19 June 2017)

She left for another job, and then there is this other co-worker, he's more easy going but blows up and breaks things when he gets angry, and he is exactly the same age as that one co-worker that left.
(19 June 2017)

We had a co-worker who was up and down, hot or cold personality.
(19 June 2017)

I get really irritated with my co-workers sometimes.
(19 June 2017)

Mom caught me watching porn.. so embrassed?
(19 June 2017)

She seems okay about it, but i cant stop thinking about.
(19 June 2017)

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