Saturday 17 June 2017

History reminds that our victory or loss is due to our choices

Take note!Even young children know this universal truth._ Amie:Now that I’m graduated, it’s still the same thing.(15 June 2017) Amie:They would get very upset whenever I asked and they would tell me to shut up and not worry about it until I graduate.(15 June 2017) Amie:Before I graduated I would ask them once every few weeks when I [...]

I know I'm not exaggerating I watch this daily.
(17 June 2017)

She copies the notebooks I buy, how I write my notes, how I dress, my hair, my ideas and just everything.
(17 June 2017)

Read the questions in the picture and does she?
(17 June 2017)

Case over a child?
(17 June 2017)

Is there a thing where the two can have a case against each other for custody where they are both put in front of the judge to answer questions?
(17 June 2017)

Fiance wants to adopt child now but Father still wants the child.
(17 June 2017)

Fiance finds out Father abuses his child and calls child services.
(17 June 2017)

Okay so Characters, child, father, father s fiance Father and fiance have been together for a few years and fiance gets along great with child who is a result from father s previous relations.
(17 June 2017)

I m a writer and need to know the legal name and if it is even possible.
(17 June 2017)

Do women have a sense of honor and justice?
(17 June 2017)

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