Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Looking For Fun!

Hahira, Georgia //meelp.com/profile/Flgirl811 Danae:I don’t get it, as she has a zillion friends.(15 January 2017) Danae:I have a great friend, but in a social situation if I’m exchanging any conversation with another person, she’ll contradict what I’m saying or their conversation directed to me.(15 January 2017) Roseanne:I ask what he looks like and my friend [...]

What do you think of this sites app that came out?
(16 January 2017)

Is it weird for a 15 year old guy date a 13 year old girl?
(16 January 2017)

I really like this girl but will my friends think I'm weird?
(16 January 2017)

Ladies, may I knock on your door?
(16 January 2017)

Would you let me into your house?
(16 January 2017)

How would you feel if your dad looked at your butt and legs all the time?Mother notices and gets angry.He said I had dust on my butt?
(16 January 2017)

Where can i buy a stiletto switchblade?
(16 January 2017)

Is it a good thing that he was telling me so much about himself?
(16 January 2017)

But you think it's a good thing?
(16 January 2017)

I threw in some info about my hobbies.
(16 January 2017)

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