Monday 30 January 2017

Is CPS the new Stormtroopers ?

A self-described “free-range” mom who lives in a gated apartment complex in Sacramento faces up to six months of jail time for letting her 4-year-old son play alone in the complex playground 120 f_ Lise:Is it possible that I could be pregnant even if I had my period earlier this month?(29 January 2017) Lise:However I’ve been feeling [...]

Or at least way to send him message.
(29 January 2017)

So please tell me if you know about any ways to contact him.
(29 January 2017)

Today I decided that he must exist else today won t make sense.
(29 January 2017)

Got kicked out at 18?
(29 January 2017)

I have no money saved up, still looking for a job and have my license but no car.
(29 January 2017)

Yesterday was my birthday, Today i got kicked out and there's no way to fix it.
(29 January 2017)

Did I do the right thing by not letting this guy over my house at midnight?
(29 January 2017)

Did I do the right thing by not letting him over my house at midnight when I barely knew him?
(29 January 2017)

I told him that I couldn't because it is too late to come over and that I was going to bed.
(29 January 2017)

Last night, a guy that I barely knew that I met online asked if he can come over my house at midnight.
(29 January 2017)

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