Tuesday 3 September 2019

Your new favorite secrete

Don’t you like when your getting your dick sucked but before she starts she spits on it to get it real wet slowly jerking it then puts her mouth on it and goes all the way down and you can feel how wa_ Reyna:Is is really rude and mean and I think it would be funny.(2 [...]

Also, He tells me his secrets and stuff but if he does not like something that I do, he at times yells at me.
(31 August 2019)

My Dad lies a lot and he is bothered that I do not lie some. I am practicing. How do you tell a good lie without being caught?
(31 August 2019)

I am 20 so my parents are the boss.
(31 August 2019)

I tried one yesterday, a fib to the boss, and I think it worked.
(31 August 2019)

Why is she seeing my stories?
(31 August 2019)

But she still sees my Instagram stories everytime.
(31 August 2019)

I asked a girl out and she rejected me.
(31 August 2019)

In fact they weren't really my true friends and that's one of the reason why i put them behind me.
(31 August 2019)

Should I tell my Ex Girlfriend?
(31 August 2019)

However I know that her new boyfriend beat his ex wife during his last relationship which ended in a 2 week marrage with a child, should I tell her as I worried she will end up getting hurt?
(31 August 2019)

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