Friday 5 July 2019

Not much to do…..

Looks like I’ll be looking for things to occupy my time while at work. See, until the painter gets done spray painting the apartment he’s doing now I’m in limbo as it were. Yes, you saw right I said s_ Anisa:I am an only child and my mom is getting older to the point where I [...]

So a guy I started talking to only texts me or messages me on social media but never calls.
(1 July 2019)

I just want to be friends :(?
(1 July 2019)

How do I convince them we're just friends, and should I hang out with Cam?
(1 July 2019)

One of my best friends is this guy named Cam, and I would love to hang out with him, but I'm worried some of my friends will think we're dating, or like each other, even though both of us agree we're just friends.
(1 July 2019)

How can one meet with porn stars?
(1 July 2019)

I watched a porn where they had sex in public.
(1 July 2019)

Trust and Relationship?
(1 July 2019)

I see her point and she has been honest with me, but I am conflicted by what she is saying with what I have experienced in previous relationships.
(1 July 2019)

She just assures me that she likes me a lot and that I need to trust her otherwise there would be no point in having a relationship.
(1 July 2019)

A lot of ours views on what is appropriate while in a relationship are very different, bars, guy friends, etc.... When I try to get her to compromise she doesn't really.
(1 July 2019)

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