Friday 5 July 2019

If you are getting some tonight….

If you are getting some tonight….FUCK IT LIKE YOU OWN IT!!!!And if you do own it? You are lucky..LENNY KRAVITZ MUSIC MAKES ME HORNEY……..”It aint over til it’s over” MMMMM!WIth some amazing chemi_ James:After she moved across town and got a new boyfriend she told me it was over I was heartbroken but I moved on.(27 [...]

14 year old boy walking around father in underwear?
(2 July 2019)

However, I always liked the cold and hate being hot so sometimes when it gets too hot I'll take my pants off and just walk around in my shirt and underwear.
(2 July 2019)

My parents are divorced and my dad lives in a really cold city and he always has the heater up really high.
(2 July 2019)

What was the lowest point in your life?
(2 July 2019)

What kind of freakish, sadistic deviant would bring a child into a world where even adults can get along? See Y!A Politics section for..?
(1 July 2019)

These are the ONLY two girl names we like.
(1 July 2019)

For a girl, we can't decide between Shiloh and Delilah.
(1 July 2019)

Our list of middle names are below.
(1 July 2019)

If we have a boy his name will be Waylon.
(1 July 2019)

Would flour sack towels work just as well as burp cloths if you are on a budget?
(2 July 2019)

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