Monday 18 February 2019

Outhouse Confession……….

Once there was a little boy who lived in the country. For facilities, they had to use an outhouse. The little boy hated it because it was hot in the summer, cold in the winter and smelled all the time_ Laila:I was a baby when my grandfather died and my Dad’s family was much calmer and [...]

So when I found out that her brother died I thought this would be a good time to try again.
(11 February 2019)

I have been trying to have sex with her since high school, and she keeps refusing.
(11 February 2019)

A few days ago, my friend's brother died of cancer.
(11 February 2019)

Sexual spanking vs discipline spanking?
(11 February 2019)

My brother was grounded for hitting a girl that bullies him?
(11 February 2019)

Have you gotten pregnant while breastfeeding and not had many symptoms? Unusual coffee jitters and that's about it right now?
(11 February 2019)

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to respond.
(11 February 2019)

I have 5 kiddos but never for pregnant while breastfeeding before and typically always get a migraine early on.
(11 February 2019)

Has anyone gotten pregnant and while breastfeeding and hardly any symptoms.
(11 February 2019)

I remember this happening during last pregnancy but I also had other symptoms.
(11 February 2019)

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