Monday 29 October 2018

~~~~~Happy HNW Halloween Humor~~~~~

Today it’s all about enjoying the laughter of Halloween..[image1][image2][image3][image4][image5][image6][image7][image8][image9][image10]_ Carlita:But…like…where do you pee on her?(28 October 2018) Lilla:When I texted him(ex bf) he played the hurt card and cast blame on me.(27 October 2018) Socorro:Does this girl really have a crush on me?(27 October 2018) Socorro:Is she just too nervous to talk to me and thats when she doesn’t [...]

Should I leave it be or see how this person is doing?
(27 October 2018)

Should I just let the whole thing go or text him to see how he is?
(27 October 2018)

He is older than me but we did sort of become friends and we got along very well at work.
(27 October 2018)

My mom thinks I should text him to see how he is doing.
(27 October 2018)

My manager asked me if I've heard from him and I said no.
(27 October 2018)

I was looking around for him but only saw his family member outside of our place on a chair.
(27 October 2018)

Today, I saw one of his family members he always is with today at the mall.
(27 October 2018)

I found a social media account of his and he seems upset understandably from what I can see on his posts, etc.
(27 October 2018)

This month though, we were working one day and he was fired for something he did like a procedure.
(27 October 2018)

He had been with the company for a long time.
(27 October 2018)

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