Monday 11 June 2018

Rabbits, I’m going to bed.

Rabbits, I’m going to bed.Y’all have a good night. I will see you here tomorrow.Good night.CRB_ Ardella:He even wanted to beat up my boyfriend and then he told mom and got me grounded.(3 June 2018) Ardella:There he was barging into my room and started screaming like a maniac that I had no respect for the house or [...]

Does this mean my ex doesn t want to be friends?
(7 June 2018)

After ignoring my texts, calls, he tells me to think more about it and that I m emotionally this his way of saying he doesn t want to stay in contact?
(7 June 2018)

But I ve had a change of heart since and reached out.
(7 June 2018)

I ve blocked him 1x or 2x when we first broke up and told him I wanted nothing to do with him.
(7 June 2018)

I pick the good high class Mexican-Amercian ones.
(7 June 2018)

Is my sister a whore?
(7 June 2018)

Does it sound like she's a whore or not ?
(7 June 2018)

She just can't stay with a guy for so long.
(7 June 2018)

It's usually 2 to 3 years she already has 2 kids with this guy she has a 2 year old now she's having another one also she got that 5 year old she had from our uncle.
(7 June 2018)

Then 2 years after they were married she left him then she hated 2 of our cousins for a while now she's married to another man I wonder how long this marriage is gonna last she's never with a guy very long.
(7 June 2018)

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