Tuesday 30 May 2017

Photos prises au moment parfait - 3

2 photos supplémentaires sur le même thème. Mais à quoi pense donc ce chat ?[image] Nous sommes à la merci des enfants[image2]_ Charis:How do you quit smoking?(29 May 2017) Olevia:Would you be interested in attending a Yahoo reunion (where we could all meet and greet )?(29 May 2017) Olevia:Somewhere fun, where should we all meet ?(29 May 2017) Jaimee:Who [...]

A needy uncle wants me to give a certificate of employment to his son who has been unemployed for over one year. And that is not all?
(29 May 2017)

What do I tell this uncle o mine ?
(29 May 2017)

I know it is ethically wrong and also they were pretty callous in their response to my offers.
(29 May 2017)

While I am torn by the need to 'help' them out.
(29 May 2017)

Now a year later, after they ignored me and put me down, my uncle calls up to request for a certificate of employment as the his boy never had a job in the first place.
(29 May 2017)

I swore to myself, never to go down that road.
(29 May 2017)

History repeated, I was quite upset when I was told that they went with a bigger branded organization that offered many perks.
(29 May 2017)

The second time, about a year later, when I found that his daughter was doing nothing, as they could not afford further studies, I offered her to come an work for my small set up.
(29 May 2017)

I had offered the older kid a job, but informed that he picked a job closer home, just before the time that he was supposed to come on board in my company.
(29 May 2017)

An uncle of mine has two college grad kids.
(29 May 2017)

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