Friday 31 March 2017

hey, it’s me

Phoenix, Arizona // Matilda:My boyfriend and I had sex two days before my annual period date, and the day of my usual late date.(29 March 2017) Matilda:My abs are tight, any mention of food, I d rather not eat because I d feel nauseous just thinking about it, and I haven t gotten my [...]

Why do I keep having this dream?
(29 March 2017)

The dream always ends up of me and him meeting at his house and me apologizing to his mom from the past we had.
(29 March 2017)

I have a boyfriend but I keep having the same dream of me and my ex is going to reunite.
(29 March 2017)

I hate my stepdaughter?
(29 March 2017)

Her voice is soft and mousy like her mother's.
(29 March 2017)

I just want him to myself. :( I hate seeing her face.
(29 March 2017)

Why did this one have to have offspring?
(29 March 2017)

Its not like there are that many smart and charming men left.
(29 March 2017)

My husband is so smart and handsome and charming.
(29 March 2017)

My best friend didn t invite me to her birthday????...?
(29 March 2017)

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