She’s My RockdonamorousShe is the solid rock upon which my life is balanced,the stone upon the slingthat swiftly carries my troublesfar away, she is the mightyboulder upon which my loveforever sta_ Heather:Not in a sexual way, I just want to be hurt and beaten up badly left damaged.(3 February 2017) Raguel:Have you ever grabbed or purposefully touched [...]
Or whatever position u have my hand ,she'll do the same.
(4 February 2017)
I was licking the chocolate off the wrapper ,I looked and seen her do the same thing but she didnt have a wrapper so she did it on her hand.
(4 February 2017)
So I think this woman I kinda know is mirroring everything that I do almost.
(4 February 2017)
He said I'm the reason his new girlfriend is the love of his life.
(4 February 2017)
So I dated this guy exactly two years ago, we only lasted about three months. he recently texted me on my birthday.
(4 February 2017)
Reason I ask is because i tend to be bat at reading signs, and I really don't want to misread signs, and also how can i find out exactly is she is just making small talk or if she wants to go out for a drink or something.
(4 February 2017)
I am 23 years old and she is 22. Anyways is she sending me signals, or is she hinting that I ask her out.
(4 February 2017)
Anyways there is this one girl in particular who makes small talk with me, she will ask me things what am i doing on the weekend, and if i have anything fun planned, or anything exciting.
(4 February 2017)
There is this Drive-Thru coffee shop near my house, where i am a regular and it seems like they only hire good looking perky girls.
(4 February 2017)
Worried about my sex life?
(4 February 2017)
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