Tuesday 13 December 2016

Sexy Saturday!

A few of my favorite porn star and a close friend of mine //meelp.com/blog/674708/post_3736031.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Shona:She takes birth control every evening, and she she took plan b on top of it.(21 November 2016) Alina:Why did they both laugh at me?(21 November 2016) Alina:I take care of my appearance..I wear expensive clothes and dress well..I get regular haircuts from the [...]

Girls keep getting their guy friends to bully me, After investigating people says that it is because I have a different personality.
(12 December 2016)

Is it okay to be an 18 year old virgin?
(12 December 2016)

Especially on how to meet more people and stuff so maybe I'll eventually find a guy I actually like and who actually likes me back.
(12 December 2016)

And, the guys who are attracted to me I'm just not attracted to.
(12 December 2016)

It just takes me a lot to be attracted to a guy in that way.
(12 December 2016)

I am the only virgin left of my friends.
(12 December 2016)

All of my other friends have been sleeping with people since the beginning of high school.
(12 December 2016)

I have talked to a few guys and have as gone as far as making out but that's it.
(12 December 2016)

I'm a college girl, I'm pretty popular, I actually go out and have a good social life and will go to parties & stuff, but I still have never had a serious boyfriend and have never has sex.
(12 December 2016)

Regarding the top 6 on your friends list on display ...1 girl it never changed for 4 years? What is it based out of to be put on there?
(12 December 2016)

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