Saturday 12 November 2016

Where does good conversation and laugh come into play????

Good evening. Well about me. I’m 33 6′0ft AA male . I’m a very hard worker pretty well off in my career at the moment. But I have moments where I would like to feel the of a female company especially at night. I enjoy going to the movies, bowling and walks in the parks. [...]

Please help?!?! (Guys only plz)?
(11 November 2016)

Does this mean he doesn t like me anymore?
(11 November 2016)

Why do boys ignore girls if they like them?
(11 November 2016)

He treats me like everyone else almost but sometimes even ignores me.
(11 November 2016)

We talk rarely on text and rarely in person.
(11 November 2016)

So I like this guy and he also told me that he likes me.
(11 November 2016)

Since it was warm out and I did not get out of my car and was only gone for 20 minutes I drove barefoot and did not bring my shoes.
(11 November 2016)

How do i tell my grandparent that im dating someone older than me?
(11 November 2016)

How do i break it to them over the next few weeks?
(11 November 2016)

I want them to meet my boyfriend who is 20. But im still 17. Ill be 18 in a few weeks but i dont want to surprise them and and give them any reason to hate him. hes an amazing guy, he treats me right, he has a steady job, and he already graduated college.
(11 November 2016)

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