Friday 11 November 2016

What takes a really long time and is often disappointing?

Loading a page on A F F today. At least for me this place is slower then normal today.You can go have a coffee in the time it takes to refresh the blogs page. // Fran:His mother called while we were playing FIFA and he couldn’t take the phone cause it was online (unpausable). When he [...]

We met at a gym and he showed signs of interest first.
(11 November 2016)

There s this guy I ve known of for 1 year and 11 months to be exact.
(11 November 2016)

Is it okay if I'm a 19 year old virgin?
(11 November 2016)

I'm a guy and never had sex but I'm not one of those guys who uses girls for sex.
(11 November 2016)

I feel like he doesn't love and he never really tells me that anyways.
(11 November 2016)

He makes promises and always breaks them.
(11 November 2016)

I've only been fingered before but it was by another person.
(11 November 2016)

But my dad will only sometimes come over once a month and sometimes not at all.
(11 November 2016)

My mom used to come see me twice a week and she can only come over once a week cos she can't afford the gas right now.
(11 November 2016)

I don't know what to do and I'm so lonely with no friends.
(11 November 2016)

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