Wednesday 9 November 2016

Monday, November 9th

Another odd dream to start my day out. Somehow I find myself being invited to some porno flick premier. The theater is already a bit dim and upon entering seeing a number of naked and semi-naked peo // Rosio:If your going to give a rude answer then please keep it to yourself, thanks.(25 October 2016) Rosio:I’m OK [...]

Information about my unborn baby size, length and health?
(7 November 2016)

Do you think most people don't realize how good things are until something bad happens?
(7 November 2016)

Should I give up and forget about this girl?
(7 November 2016)

She talks and laughs with other guys but when I'm around her, she turns around or moves away.
(7 November 2016)

I'm painfully shy, I hardly talk to her, she knows im timid, and she knows I like her.
(7 November 2016)

I really want to do this with my girlfriend for her and my pleasure is it ok at my age...?
(7 November 2016)

What do you do if you breakup with someone but you love them so much that it feels like life can't go on without them?
(7 November 2016)

About the first date..?
(7 November 2016)

Do I look bad or she might think I'm annoying?
(7 November 2016)

Does it sound like I'm pushing her.
(7 November 2016)

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