Wednesday 16 November 2016

Just remember that BT Copyright Trolling is fluid and thing can change very fast

Based on personal issues, I have scaled back my previous writing activities concerning BitTorrent (BT) Copyright Trolls. The site will stay up and I will answer/reply to any questions/comments. What you get here is FREE suggestions/thoughts/views, etc. For now I will leave you with a couple good articles to reference, as well as what I … Continue reading "Just remember that BT Copyright Trolling is fluid and thing can change very fast"

My friend CONSTANTLY wants to hangout?
(15 November 2016)

She wants to come over my house every single day.
(15 November 2016)

So I go to bed and I wake up with a text she sent at 8 in the morning asking if we could hangout today.
(15 November 2016)

She's like I just really wanna hangout.
(15 November 2016)

She asks me everyday to hangout but I would like to spend time with my other friends too once in a while and I like time by myself.
(15 November 2016)

I saw her the past 4 weekends and she wants to hangout on weekdays too.
(15 November 2016)

Is it a bad idea to get married in May?
(15 November 2016)

I really want a May wedding but now i'm not so sure.
(15 November 2016)

I heard that May is the worst month to get married because couples who get married in May are most likely to get a divorce.
(15 November 2016)

The cristmass coming and i am alone with no friends and no boyfriend,how can i deal with it?
(15 November 2016)

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