Monday 7 November 2016

jsu un mec ki cherche une nana

Moroni, Comoros // Carmen:Because I feel like parents don’t want to respect boundaries.(23 October 2016) Geneva:Am i right about women?(23 October 2016) Geneva:Point is they are to blame for the fall of America.(23 October 2016) Geneva:Marriage is a business to them they get all the man’s money in divorce court plus child support they usually cheat [...]

If I'm horny, bored, he invites me over, and I desperately want his attention?
(6 November 2016)

Am I ready to lose my virginity?
(6 November 2016)

But my main question is, how do I know i m ready, and how do I know it won t ruin the relationship if it s not as good as he expects.
(6 November 2016)

And i know he won t mind if i say no, or tell him i m not comfortable with it.
(6 November 2016)

And i feel ready but i m not sure if it will affect the relationship, or anything else. he s also a virgin, so i m not worried about any sexually transmitted diseases.
(6 November 2016)

He s slipped his hand down my pants a few times, but nothing farther then that and i know where it s going.
(6 November 2016)

I m not twelve or anything so don t worry about that.
(6 November 2016)

I m not including my age, because that s really not what s important.
(6 November 2016)

But i m really not sure if i m ready, and i m afraid it can affect the relationship.
(6 November 2016)

I know he wants too, and within the next few times we are together it will probably end up happening.
(6 November 2016)

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