Friday 11 November 2016

I Need…

…to go here! Anyone want to go with me?[image] // Albina:But he can give me lots of reasons why he likes me, but I have no clue?(27 October 2016) Albina:He even has no idea why i like him, it makes me feel bad when i cant give him an answer.(27 October 2016) Albina:Sometimes we have nothing to talk [...]

I feel like I cant be open and emotional with them and I do find it awkward to talk about some topics with them, I feel more comfortable to talk with women as they understand me more.
(10 November 2016)

I can talk to my mom for hours about something and she comfronts me but my dad says quickly oh dont worry it will be okay and he doesnt want to listen much he quickly changes the topic.
(10 November 2016)

I feel like women understand me more, when I cry or complain or when something bothers me they listen to me and try to cheer me up or give some advice or comfort me while men dont care that much.
(10 November 2016)

First of all no i'm not a lesbian nor have I ever been raped thank God but I just feel more comfortable around women than men.
(10 November 2016)

Should I Be Mad At Friend?
(10 November 2016)

Should i be mad at my friend for outting me?
(10 November 2016)

I am lesbian and i got married last year after a long time dating and both my wife and i were invited to my friend's graduation.
(10 November 2016)

At her graduation, she mentioned me in her speech, she actually came out as lesbian in her speech and she thanked me for helping her come out as i was one of the few she had told, and she mentioned me and my wife, which basically outed me as lesbian.
(10 November 2016)

Im a 27 year old woman and at University, I went to a friend's graduation, and i made friends with her for years all while we are there, she has finished now, i have another year to go.
(10 November 2016)

My professor add me on Facebook and Instagram , is he stalking me?
(10 November 2016)

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