Thursday 3 November 2016

Cute guy here and real! Friend w/ benefits? Add some fun to life?

Happy Wednesday! I’m Just looking for someone normal, sane and fun to be around. Not going to lie… friend with benefits sounds good to me. Someone to enjoy some fun and excitement with you know? Your thoughts? I’m in good shape, easy on the eyes and very respectful of any boundaries you might want or [...]

I usually see him twice a week, but we never really talk.
(2 November 2016)

We have sort of a weird relationship.
(2 November 2016)

I really like this this guy, but it's hard for me to tell if he likes me back.
(2 November 2016)

I thinked that to say I seeked it sounds better than to say I sought. What do you think I spoked good?
(2 November 2016)

How often do teenage girls masturbate?
(2 November 2016)

How can i help my girlfriend with her anxiety?
(2 November 2016)

Most of the time i just explain to her how much i love her and such and it seems like it helps but i don't know if it really does. how can i properly help?
(2 November 2016)

Often she calls me in the middle of the night begging me to not leave her because of her anxiety driven nightmares and honestly it breaks my heart.
(2 November 2016)

She has anxiety and basically she's fine most of the time but sometimes she gets so worried she cries and can't breathe.
(2 November 2016)

Is she beautiful? Rating 1-10?
(2 November 2016)

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