Friday 21 October 2016

This life hasn’t turned out quite the way I want it to be….

I love music. I’m not ashamed to admit….I am a total 80’s hair band freak. If this shocks you, fucking leave….. NOW….You do not know me and WILL NEVER understand me. One of my all time FAVORIT // Thanh:I dont know him personally but he is very cute, i also think he is cousins with another [...]

I'm really tired of being lonely.... there are issues between my bf and I.
(21 October 2016)

Help? Feeling lonely?
(21 October 2016)

I have wanted to go for two years now, but i have no one to go with.
(21 October 2016)

I wanted to go to this halloween attraction with my friends today (since i can't go any other days) and i've asked so many people, and they all say that they are either busy or too scared to go.
(21 October 2016)

Friend gone into social isolation - help!?
(21 October 2016)

I have a best friend who is not contacting anybody and hasn t done so for nearly two months.
(21 October 2016)

What to get as a gift for a guy I like?
(21 October 2016)

I want to get him a nice gift for Christmas that shows that I really care about him.
(21 October 2016)

We both like each other but have not made it official.
(21 October 2016)

I am a girl and I like my guy friend.
(21 October 2016)

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