Turkey month. Wonder if this month will have any surprises in store for me. Life really is a true journey. //meelp.com/blog/637828/post_3721984.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Casie:Girl in my class won’t stop stalking me?(12 October 2016) Casie:Can someone let me know how to deal with this situation without causing any problems.(12 October 2016) Casie:She is going too far with asking personal questions and [...]
We hung out again about a week after that one night and hooked up again.
(22 October 2016)
We both had made it clear that we both didn't want a relationship or anything.
(22 October 2016)
It was fun, we had sex, and I spent the night.
(22 October 2016)
The next time we talked, he asked me to come over at 1 in the morning.
(22 October 2016)
Eventually we had sex and it was great.
(22 October 2016)
He invited me to his house and we had a lot of fun hanging out and even had a couple of drinks.
(22 October 2016)
So about a month ago I met this guy.
(22 October 2016)
I met this absolutely perfect girl at a mutual friends place?
(22 October 2016)
How can i go about this losing battle and maybe come out with a W?
(22 October 2016)
Dinner, hookup, literally anything as long as it means spending time with her.
(22 October 2016)
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